A fun night out turned sour, being pulled over is just like someone tossing a wet blanket across your evening. When the Fort Myers DUI Lawyers come into play, things have taken a turn to the serious side. Scene: flashing lights in the rearview, the inevitable request to step out of the vehicle, and then that small device, the breathalyzer, makes its grand entrance like an uninvited guest at a party.

Here is the kicker: these machines are not perfect. To many, they are thought of as the sniper, cutting-edge precision, while in reality they are drunk playing the carnival dart game. Technical malfunctions, calibration problems, and other operator errors are some of the common pitfalls against which the experts in Fort Myers DUI Lawyers specialize with aplomb, like a grease monkey under the hood.

These lawyers are armed with a whole array of tactics and trivia about how to indicate where the breathalyzer might have gone wrong; after all, they would fully know how that one particular device had never been calibrated since the days dinosaurs roamed the Earth and how those results therefore ought to be questioned. And with just one false reading, it’s all over-or so it would appear. That is where the magic starts: Sherlock Holmes with a magnifying glass, deep down in device history and calibration records. It is down one of those rabbit holes that one sometimes finds the rabbit!

And then there is the human factor-some overworked officer that hasn’t reviewed the manual since Y2K was the next big scare. Human fallibility with operation is not unheard of, and voil -here comes a result skewed faster than you can say “mistrial.” The Fort Myers DUI Lawyers attack those flubs like an eagle looking for their prey.

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