Premium Feeders. Enchanted little morsels that send pups leaping, whirling, and yelping in delight. If the charming escapades aren’t enough to give him treats, knowing there is a much healthier alternative out there just might be the persuasive element you need. The tasty bites do come in many forms, but one fetching trend over the past few years is using organic ingredients. Why go organic? Okay, let me chew the fat on what makes these treats so doggone special.
Consider first of all the cornucopia of good things organic ingredients bring to the table. Dollars to doughnuts, most traditional treats would contain some sort of mix-and-match lineup of chemical preservatives, artificial flavors, and neon colors better suited to traffic lights than man’s best friend’s digestive tract. Organic dog treats? Those abolish those dubious ingredients. You can bet your bottom dollar that these treats will be made from the very best real ingredients-what more could a dog lover want to hear?
Organic ingredients are not just about what they leave out; they are about what they bring in, too-keeping those flap-eared companions healthier and happier. With fewer allergens and things to irritate, Fido’s tummy is less apt to stage a protest from time to time. If your dog’s tail-wagging is accompanied by tummy woes, give organic treats a shot. They can be kinder to sensitive stomachs-like chicken soup for the canine soul, minus the chicken.
Speaking of ingredients, organic treats can boast of whole grains, fresh fruits, and veggies-mother nature’s best, all wrapped up in one delicious biscuit. Imagine Rosie, your golden retriever, snacking on a treat made from natural peanut butter, wholesome oats, and fresh apples. Organic treats don’t like things such as GMOs, synthetic fertilizers, or anything remotely Frankenstein-like, so it is au naturel in the bowl.
You’re giving those planet-sized paws a smaller carbon footprint. It’s like hugging the Earth, even if your dog’s idea of a hug still involves muddy paws on your best pants.